Friday, May 8, 2009

Here Comes the Sun

do da do doo. Here comes the sun and I said it’s alright.

Friday's post...reposted.

The sun has been out all day!! There are a few clouds out there right now and thunderstorms are in the forecast, but for once I remembered what it was like to not be soked every time I walked out the door! (And I loved it.)

I took the first of my AP tests today—US History. It consisted of: 80 multiple choice questions in 55 minutes (scored like SATs), 1 reading period of 15 minutes, 1 DBQ (document-based question) for an advised 45 minutes, and 2 essays in an advised 35 minutes each. Although I got done my essays early, the multiple choice were definitely easier for me. No test, after taking an SAT, can compare on length or the level of difficulty. Ever. Maybe Physics but I don’t think you can really compare SATs and Physics.

We left school afterwards…no Spanish or English for me :) But anyway, afterwards Aubrie and I went with Mike to Rita’s while we waited for Brooklyn. Between our two days there this week, we have 2 of the 3 pieces that will make us 25, 000 dollar winners…though that’s unlikely. Then I introduced Brooklyn and Aubrie to Chinatown where we laughed at the Moms’ Group and the owner who tripped on the stair (we think one of the mom’s is his “girlfriend”—he brought her donuts). And then we can home while waving at strange people and following a drunk driver.

The world really doesn’t stop while we are in school. There were tons of people on 81 and at Martin’s, people in their yards, and moms having lunch together—it was craaazy!

This weekend is Mother’s Day and I’m excited to celebrate with my families on Saturday and Sunday.

Please be in thought/pray for moms, moms-to-be, women without moms here, and women struggling to become mothers.

Picture update soon :)

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