Monday, August 27, 2012

Week One

Well I started writing my letter. And then I came back to school…and the letter kind of went out the window. So I decided to simplify it.

I want happiness. I hope that I look back in May and smile, remembering the happy. Happiness with myself, my friends, my choices, my…everything.

I want to be irrevocably happy.

And I’d like to say I’m rather confident it’s going to be a pretty attainable goal if the last week is any indication of what the future holds :)

I am having the greatest time with some of the best people. The circle is widening, the light is shining even on the dreary rainy days, and I carry this happiness within my chest like a glowing orb of light. Poetic, eh?

I've already crossed off taking a trip to the 24/7 diner (at midnight) and a night of star-gazing on the baseball field from my To Do List.

Now about this whole love thing… ;)

Things are good. I’m good. Life is good.

Now I say this all pre-classes-starting aka pre-stress. But tomorrow’s the big day so only time will tell!

Until next time :)

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