Thursday, August 25, 2011

Summer Must-Do: Family Reunion

I don’t know about you, but for me there are a few staple things that make my summers, summers; like at least one trip to the beach or lounging by the pool or drinking sweet tea or rocking on the front porch.

For me, one of these annual summer things is our family reunion. And last Sunday, I could officially check the 37th Wilkins Family Reunion off my summer must-do list.

The weather was perfect—once the rain cleared up—not too hot, not too cool. The food was my favorite, country cooking. And the family was, well wonderful. Y’all know I love my family to bits and pieces from the laughs, to the remember-when’s, and the baby (now toddler) cuddling.

Here are just a few of the many pictures that were taken this year…

bayleeandmebekahandmeanddad baylee bekahandrenickbekahandme

What about you?? Do you have a family reunion in the summer? What are some of your summer must-do’s?


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