I spend 8 hours of my day between a field of grass about 6 car lengths long and “my” classroom. When I first started working at the daycare, there was nothing on the walls. No signs of messy children. (The main reason being there hadn’t been any school agers over the summer before I started!) But I took care of that real quick! Now our room is comfortable and colorful and clean. So here goes it…a tour of my home away from home!
This is a view of our “big room” from the doorway when you first walk in from the office. To the right is the cafeteria and to the left, an exit door and all of our beautiful windows. Behind you would be the video game tables.
1. Art Table Our art table stocked with paper, art supplies, and coloring books. There is also a small area of displayed artwork. 2. Book Shelf Here you’ll find books and board games. It’s also stocked with treats (currently Starbursts!) and lots of CDs (Last week we listened to ATeens over and over…who knew they were Abba lovers??) You’ll also find our white board with the We’re Currently Reading…book posted. And above, yet another place for artwork!
3. Kitchen You can’t see it, but behind the bump-out we have a plastic Little Tykes kitchen that they play with all the time. Their favorite thing to do is have a restaurant; they make menus, and badges, and OPEN signs. So creative!
4. Cars, Blocks, and Legos They build some of the wildest racetracks and little towns with the Legos and blocks.
5. Pool Tables We have two; a little one and a big one. They play quite frequently and we try to do a big tournament every two weeks or so.
6. A Sea of Birthdays In all the other rooms, the kids birthdays are posted on balloons, cakes, or butterflies. I chose to be different. Instead we’re fish and turtles in the midst of the sea.
7. Bathrooms and Artwork Display This artwork is typically last week’s Weekly Artwork Display. 8. Weekly Artwork Display Our weekly artwork displayed for parents’. This week, finger-painted fireworks!
9. Hooks for Coats and Lunch Boxes
10. Dollhouse Like the kitchen, you can’t see it, but there is a big dollhouse that sits on the floor for the kids to play with.
11. Three Tables of Toys Puzzles, Legos, Play Doh, Blocks, etc. Anything you ever wanted to play with, you’ll find here! Typically rotated and switched out every two weeks.
The video game table and our schedule with daily activities posted!
That wraps up the tour of Miss Hannah’s room. My comfortable and colorful home away from home. It’s quite cute, isn’t it??