Wednesday, June 16, 2010

A Letter to Brooke

Dear Aunt Brooke,

It’s been four days since you went back home to Arkansas. Five days since my high school career concluded. Four days since my summer started.

What have I been up to?

Work. Every day (Monday-Friday), all day (10-6:30). But it hasn’t been too bad. Actually it’s been quite a sight!! On Monday, I saw a black bear across from the daycare. It ran from beside Dr. G’s office, across the road, and into the wooded area behind that vet/dentist’s office. Crazy, crazy! I had to look twice—cars were whizzing by. I mean when has there ever been a bear in the middle of SC before?!?

Then between Tae Kwon Do lessons on Tuesday and Just Dance for the Wii today, “my” kids have been shining examples of why I’ve always wanted to be a teacher. I’m incredibly lucky to have such great kids to look after! It’s gonna be a great summer!

And in my down time (aka the two hours I’m home from work before I fall asleep), I’ve been wrapped up in these books Bekah got me hooked on (already on book 4) and this show Liz has me addicted to (on season 4).

You asked me to write you letters. Here’s the first of many. Be looking for one in the mail. Hope all is well with you and Roo.

33 days.

Love always,

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